The deadline for completing the 2017 DOCK Examination has been extended to December 1. If you are currently eligible for the DOCK Exam (in status years 6-10), you may register online using the special registration link in the “Alerts” section of your online Status Page. The exam may be scheduled online at your convenience.
The ABO introduced remote testing as an option for the first time in 2017. Due to the popularity of this option versus travel to a test center, the ABO has extended its availability in order to accommodate all diplomates who wish to test online, on demand. The online DOCK is made available through a remote-testing service called ProctorU. Click here to test your computer’s compatibility with the ProctorU service.
Any diplomate who is currently eligible for the DOCK (and who has not already taken the 2017 DOCK in September) may register.
Scores for the September 2017 DOCK Exam will not be delayed as a result of this extension. Diplomates who recently completed the DOCK and are currently awaiting results will receive them within the promised 6-8-week timeframe.
For questions or assistance registering for the online DOCK Exam, contact MOC@abop.org.