National Volunteer Month is a perfect time to spotlight the hard work of board-certified ophthalmologists around the country who advance excellence in ophthalmology by giving generously of their time and expertise. Each year, hundreds of busy clinicians write and review questions and content for ABO examinations and Quarterly Questions, set rigorous standards for achievement in ophthalmology, and enable the successful administration of oral examinations.
Here are the members of the American Board of Ophthalmology diplomate community who volunteered in 2017:
Aaron, Maria E.M. ‐ Atlanta, GA Acierno, Marie D. ‐ Baton Rouge, LA Alabiad, Chrisfouad R. ‐ Miami, FL Albanis, Chris V. ‐ Chicago, IL Alcorn, Debby M. ‐ Stanford, CA Alford, Mark A. ‐ Fort Worth, TX Allen, Richard C. ‐ Houston, TX Aref, Ahmad A. ‐ Chicago, IL Armour, Rebecca L. ‐ Portland, OR Arrindell, Everton L. ‐ Nashville, TN Arun, Veena V. ‐ Chicago, IL Arzeno, George ‐ San Juan, PR Banta, James T. ‐ Miami, FL Barbe, Maria E. ‐ Orwigsburg, PA Barr, Charles C. ‐ Louisville, KY Beardsley, Thomas L. ‐ Asheville, NC Beauchamp, Cynthia L. ‐ Dallas, TX Beebe, Walter E. ‐ Dallas, TX Beller Richard A. ‐ Napa, CA Bhatti, M. Tariq ‐ Durham, NC Bishop, Frank M. ‐ San Diego, CA Bishop, John E. ‐ Corpus Christi, TX Blodi, Christopher F. ‐ West Des Moines, IA Blumenfeld, Louis C. ‐ Maitland, FL Bolling, James P. ‐ Jacksonville, FL Bond, J. Brent ‐ Winston‐Salem, NC Borchert, Mark S. ‐ Los Angeles, CA Bowie, Esther M. ‐ Hershey, PA Bowman, C. Brad ‐ Dallas, TX Bradford, J. David ‐ Little Rock, AR Brandt, James D. ‐ Carmichael, CA Breit, Sean M. ‐ Richmond Heights, MO Brinton, Daniel A. ‐ Oakland, CA Brooks, Steven E. ‐ New York, NY Brown, Steven V. L. ‐ Glenview, IL Burden, James H. ‐ Colorado Springs, CO Burgett, Richard A. ‐ Indianapolis, IN Burkat, Cat N. ‐ Madison, WI Campagna, John A. ‐ San Antonio, TX Cantor, Louis B. ‐ Indianapolis, IN Capo, Hilda ‐ Miami, FL Capoor, Seema ‐ Lexington, KY Chalam, Kakarla V. ‐ Jacksonville, FL Challa, Pratap ‐ Durham, NC Chaudhry, Nauman A. ‐ New London, CT Chen, Sherleen H. ‐ Boston, MA Cherney, Edward F. ‐ Nashville, TN Chiang, Michael F. ‐ Lake Oswego, OR Chiu, Cynthia S. ‐ Oakland, CA Chomsky, Amy S. ‐ Nashville, TN Chopra, Vikas ‐ Pasadena, CA Christian Colleen J. ‐ Lansdale, PA Chung, Mina M. ‐ Rochester, NY Coats, David K. ‐ Houston, TX Colby, Kathryn A. ‐ Chicago, IL Cook, Laura D. ‐ Charlottesville, VA Cortina, M. Soledad ‐ Chicago, IL Cosgrove, Patricia A. ‐ Bozeman, MT Couch, Steven M. ‐ Fenton, MO Craven, E. Randy ‐ Bethesda, MD Crawford, Courtney ‐ Benbrook, TX Cullom, Mary Ellen P. ‐ Williamsburg, VA Daly, Mary K. ‐ Boston, MA Daoud, Yassine J. ‐ Columbia, MD Dass, Ashvani B. ‐ Ypsilanti, MI Davidson, Richard S. ‐ Denver, CO Davitt, Bradley V. ‐ St. Louis, MO Dickson, James B. ‐ Columbia, SC Dieckert, J. Paul ‐ Belton, TX Driebe William T. ‐ Gainesville, FL Dunn, James P. ‐ Baltimore, MD Edgington, Bryan D. ‐ Portland, OR Edmond, Jane C. ‐ Houston, TX Edward, Deepak P. ‐ Akron, OH Eiseman, Andrew S. ‐ Charleston, SC Emerson, M. Vaughn ‐ Minneapolis, MN Engel, Harry M. ‐ New York, NY Engel, Kevin C. ‐ Minneapolis, MN Ernst, Benjamin J. ‐ Neenah, WI Eustis, Jr. H. Sprague ‐ New Orleans, LA Feder, Robert S. ‐ Chicago, IL Feldon, Steven E. ‐ Rochester, NY Fenzl, Thomas C. ‐ Wooster, OH Fish, Robert I. ‐ Denver, CO Flowers, Brian E. ‐ Fort Worth, TX Foster, Jr. William J. ‐ Springfield, PA Fountain, Tamara R. ‐ Northbrook, IL Fredrick, Douglas R. ‐ Stanford, CA Fry, Eric L. ‐ Garden City, KS Fulcher, Samuel F. A. ‐ Temple, TX Fung, Michael W. ‐ Philadelphia, PA Gans, Lawrence A. ‐ Hazelwood, MO Garcia, Denise D. ‐ Gilbert, AZ Garcia‐Ferrer, Francisco J. ‐ Des Peres, MO Garrity, James A. ‐ Rochester,MN Geraets, Ryan L. ‐ Sioux Falls, SD Giangiacomo, Annette L. ‐ Atlanta, GA Gilbert, C. Mitchell ‐ Farmington, CT Giliberti, Francesca M. ‐ Totowa, NJ Goldman, David A. ‐ Palm Beach Gardens, FL Goyal, Raj K. ‐ Chicago, IL Grajewski, Alana L. ‐ Miami, FL Granadier, Robert J. ‐ Royal Oak, MI Graul, Thomas A. ‐ Lincoln, NE Green, M. Kelly ‐ Marble Falls, TX Groden, Lewis R. ‐ Tampa, FL Groessl, Sarah A. ‐ Madison, WI Gross, Ronald L. ‐ Morgantown, WV Grossniklaus, Hans E. ‐ Atlanta, GA Grostern, Richard J. ‐ Chicago, IL Han, Dennis P. ‐ Milwaukee, WI Hausheer, Jean R. ‐ Lawton, OK Havens, Shane J. ‐ Omaha, NE Haynes, William L. ‐ Asheville, NC Heatley, Gregg A. ‐ Madison, WI Hewes, Eva H. ‐ Los Altos, CA Holekamp, Nancy M. ‐ Chesterfield, MO Holz, Eric R. ‐ Houston, TX Hood, Christopher T. ‐ Dexter, MI Hopen, Gary R. ‐ Hollywood, FL Horn, Erich P. ‐ Piedmont, CA Horns, Dorothy J. ‐ Edina, MN Hsu‐Winges, Charlene ‐ Burlingame, CA Huang, Andrew J.W. ‐ St. Louis, MO Hug, Denise A. ‐ Lenexa, KS Imes, Richard K. ‐ Alamo, CA Iwamoto, Mami A. ‐ Boston, MA Jarrett, Anthony M. ‐ La Crosse, WI Jay, Walter M. ‐ Maywood, IL John, Denise A. ‐ Ann Arbor, MI Johnson, Thomas E. ‐ Miami, FL Johnson, Anthony P. ‐ Greenville, SC Johnson, Daniel A. ‐ San Antonio, TX Joondeph, Brian C. ‐ Denver, CO Katz, Douglas G. ‐ Lexington, KY Katz, Gregory J. ‐ Ypsilanti, MI Katz, Linda K. ‐ Lexington, KY Kay, Marilyn C. ‐ Madison, WI Keenum, Deborah G. ‐ Billings, MT Kelley, Curtin G. ‐ Columbus, OH Kerr, Natalie C. ‐ Memphis, TN Khalifa, Yousuf M. ‐ Smyrna, GA Khammar, Alexander J. ‐ Chicago, IL Khan, Amir R. ‐ Rochester, MN Kim, Esther S. Y. ‐ Sacramento, CA Kim, Judy E. ‐ Milwaukee, WI Kim, Stella K. ‐ Houston, TX Kimura, Alan E. ‐ Denver, CO Korn, Bobby S. ‐ San Diego, CA Kovach, Jaclyn L. ‐ Naples, FL Kuo, Irene C. ‐ Baltimore, MD Kurz, Daryl E. ‐ Harrisonburg, VA Kurz, Paul A. ‐ Dayton, OH Lam, Byron L. ‐ Miami, FL Lee, Hui Bae Harold ‐ Indianapolis, IN Lee, Andrew G. ‐ Houston, TX Lee, Katherine Ann ‐ Boise, ID Lee, N. Grace ‐ Boston, MA Lee, Vivian ‐ Philadelphia, PA Lee, Wen‐Hsiang ‐ Miami, FL Leenheer, Rebecca S. ‐ Albuquerque, NM Lim, Jennifer I. ‐ Chicago, IL Lim, Michele C. ‐ Sacramento, CA Lin, Amy ‐ Salt Lake City, UT Lobo, Ann‐Marie ‐ Chicago, IL Lombardi, Lorinna ‐ Portland, OR Lopez, Pedro F. ‐ Miami, FL Lubniewski, Anthony J. ‐ St. Louis, MO Lustbader, Jay M. ‐ Washington, DC Malinowski, Susan M. ‐ Southfield, MI Mares, Frank J. ‐ Albuquerque, NM Martin, Timothy J. ‐ Winston‐Salem, NC Martinez Navarro, Wanda M. ‐ Gainesville, FL Mason III, John O ‐ Birmingham, AL Mathers, Keith J. ‐ Philadelphia, PA Mian, Shahzad I. ‐ Ann Arbor, MI Miller, Robert B. ‐ Davis, CA Miller‐Meeks, Mariannette J. ‐ Ottumwa, IA Mills, Monte D. ‐ Philadelphia, PA Mitzel, Duane L. ‐ Scottsdale, AZ Munden, Paul M. ‐ Prairie Village, KS Munir, Wuqaas M. ‐ Baltimore, MD Nacke, Randall ‐ Crystal City, MO Nelson, Christine C. ‐ Ann Arbor, MI Nelson, Mark L. ‐ Tacoma, WA Netland, Peter A. ‐ Charlottesville, VA Newton, Catherine ‐ Louisville, KY Ng, John D. ‐ Portland, OR O'Brien, Joan M. ‐ Philadelphia, PA Olsakovsky, Leslie A. ‐ Charlottesville, VA Orengo‐Nania, Silvia D. ‐ Houston, TX Pach, John M. ‐ Rochester, MN Page, Michael A. ‐ St Louis Park, MN Parelhoff, Edward S. ‐ Woodbridge, VA Parikh, Mansi B. ‐ Upper Marlboro, MD Parsons, Matthew R. ‐ Provo, UT Pasquale, Louis R. ‐ Boston, MA Patel, Sanjay V. ‐ Rochester, MN Paysse, Evelyn A. ‐ Houston, TX Perry, Dwight D. ‐ Durham, NC Potter, Heather A. ‐ Madison, WI Pramanik, Sudeep ‐ Sparks, MD Pramanik, Sudeep ‐ York, PA Preslan, Mark W. ‐ Glen Burnie, MD Prum Jr., Bruce E. ‐ Charlottesville, VA Quiros, Peter A. ‐ Pasadena, CA Rajagopal, Rithwick ‐ Saint Louis, MO Ramanathan, Saraswathy ‐ San Francisco, CA Rao, Naveen K. ‐ Peabody, MA Rich, Leonard S. ‐ Mobile, AL Richard, Christen K. ‐ Portland, OR Robin, Alan L. ‐ Baltimore, MD Rojas, Mario ‐ Brodhead, WI Rosa, Robert H. ‐ Temple, TX Rosenfeld, Steven I. ‐ Delray Beach, FL Roth, Elena B. ‐ Ft. Lauderdale, FL Rubenstein, Jonathan B. ‐ Chicago, IL Rubin, Steven E. ‐ Great Neck, NY Russell, Stephen R. ‐ Iowa City, IA Rychwalski, Paul J. ‐ Concord, NH Saetre, Siv Brit ‐ Davenport, IA Salim, Sarwat ‐ Milwaukee, WI Savitt, Michael L. ‐ Libertyville, IL Schachat, Andrew P. ‐ Cleveland, OH Schultz, Jeffrey S. ‐ Bronx, NY Schultze, Robert L. ‐ Delmar, NY Schuman, Joel S. ‐ New York, NY Schwartz, Stephen G. ‐ Naples, FL Scruggs, Jennifer T. ‐ Little Rock, AR Segal, William A. ‐ Duluth, GA Semchyshyn, Taras T.M. ‐ Winston Salem, NC Shields, Steven M. ‐ Chesterfield, MO Shtein, Roni M. ‐ Ann Arbor, MI Shulman, Gayle S. ‐ Millburn, NJ Sidoti, Paul A. ‐ New York, NY Singh, Ravi S. J. ‐ Leawood, KS Sivak, Jennifer A. ‐ Morgantown, WV Sneed, Scott R. ‐ Traverse City, MI Sohn, Elliott H. ‐ Iowa City, IA Soni, Chetan R. ‐ Bolivar, MO Stahl, Erin D. ‐ Kansas City, MO Stevens, Rosalind A. ‐ Lebanon, NH Stevens, Rhoads E. ‐ Honolulu, HI Stewart, Michael W. ‐ Jacksonville, FL Stout, J. Timothy ‐ Houston, TX Strnad, Lyse S. ‐ Iowa City, IA Subramanian, Prem S. ‐ Denver, CO Suner, Ivan J. ‐ Tampa, FL Sung, Edward ‐ Wheaton, IL Tabbara, Khalid F. ‐ San Francisco, CA Tanji, Troy M. ‐ Waipahu, HI Tao, Jeremiah P. ‐ Irvine, CA Ten Hulzen, Richard D. ‐ Jacksonville Beach, FL Thall, Edmond H. ‐ Highland Heights, OH Thompson, John T. ‐ Baltimore, MD Thompson, Lisa S. ‐ Gurnee, IL To, King W. ‐ Bristol, RI Tsai, James C. ‐ Scarsdale, NY Tsai, Linda M. ‐ St. Louis, MO Tuli, Sonal S. ‐ Gainesville, FL Uhler, Tara ‐ Philadelphia, PA Urken, Steven I. ‐ Atlanta, GA van Kuijk, Fredericus J. ‐ Minneapolis, MN Van Meter, Woodford S. ‐ Lexington, KY Virasch, Vanee V. ‐ Highland Park, IL Walker, Jonathan D. ‐ Ft. Wayne, IN Ward, Thomas P. ‐ Farmington, CT Weaver, Daniel T. ‐ Billings, MT Weed, Matthew C. ‐ Spokane, WA Welch, John C. ‐ Hastings, NE Welcome, Brian A. ‐ Greenville, SC Wen, Angie En ‐ New York, NY Werner, Mark A. ‐ Delray Beach, FL Whittaker, Thomas J. ‐ Prairie Village, KS Wirostko, William J. ‐ Milwaukee, WI Wohl, Thomas A. ‐ Hudson, OH Wong, Tien Pei ‐ Houston, TX Wood, Matthew H. ‐ Lincoln, NE Woodward, Julie A. ‐ Durham, NC Wright, Martha M. ‐ Minneapolis, MN Wroblewski, Keith James ‐ Laytonsville, MD WuDunn, Darrell ‐ Indianapolis, IN Yanovitch, Tammy L. ‐ Oklahoma City, OK Yen, Kimberly G. ‐ Houston, TX Yen, Michael T. ‐ Houston, TX Young, Terri L. ‐ Madison, WI Yung, Chi‐Wah Rudy ‐ Indianapolis, IN Zambrano, William ‐ Miami Lakes, FL Zink, Jeffrey M. ‐ Cincinnati, OH
Quarterly Questions Journal/Society Contacts
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Darron Bacal, M.D. Tina Rutar, M.D.
American Journal of Ophthalmology Richard K. Parrish II, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Ophthalmology
American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Gerald J. Harris, M.D., President, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS)
American Uveitis Society Russell W. Read, M.D., PhD, Executive Secretary, American Uveitis Society
Cornea Alan Sugar, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Cornea
JAMA Ophthalmology Edward H. Livingston, M.D., FACS, AGAF, Deputy Editor for Clinical Reviews and Education, JAMA Ophthalmology Neil Bressler, M.D., Editor, JAMA Ophthalmology
Journal of AAPOS William Good, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Journal of AAPOS
Journal of Glaucoma Jeffrey M. Liebmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Glaucoma
Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology Lanning B. Kline, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology
Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Jonathan Dutton, M.D., PhD, Editor, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Ophthalmology Stephen McLeod, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Ophthalmology George B. Bartley, M.D., Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology Retina Andrew Schachat, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Ophthalmology Retina
Retina Alexander J. Brucker, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, Retina