A summary of the testimony shared at the two public meetings of the Continuing Board Certification: Vision for the Future Commission (Commission) has been released and posted on the Vision Initiative website this month. The summaries capture the commentary shared by a range of stakeholders regarding their perspectives and experiences with continuing certification as well as exploration of opportunities for the program in the future. Presenters represented a broad cross section of the medical professional and larger health care community and included practicing physicians, representatives of American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Member Boards, medical associations and professional societies, non-ABMS certifying boards, the National Board of Medical Examiners, continuing medical education providers, accreditors, credentialers, and health systems. Testimony was also heard from individuals representing the public and experts in professional assessment and international models of physician certification. The Commission has also released the results of the open stakeholder survey launched in February and completed on May 11. The online survey actively sought feedback from a diverse group of stakeholders and garnered responses from more than 36,000 participants of which 34,616 were physicians, 1,373 were other health care stakeholders and 403 identified as patients and the general public. Both the public testimony and the input received from the survey have offered the Commission valuable insight on the current continuing certification system and a host of ideas for the program moving forward. To follow the Commission’s progress, please visit the website for meeting information, updates, and opportunities for your feedback and input.