American Board of Ophthalmology diplomates certified or recertified after 2012 should complete 8 Self-Assessment CME (SACME) credits per year (and attest to their completion every other year) as part of the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program.
If you’re still looking for ways to meet your SACME total before the end of the year and you’re attending the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s (AAO) 2018 Annual Meeting in October, you’ll have 21 options for increasing your SACME total.
Earn up to 22 SACME credits at the following AAO 2018 symposia and courses:
AAO 2018 Spotlight on Cataract (SPO2)
A Step-by-Step Primer to Starting LASIK in 2018 (Instruction Course 644)
Case Studies on the Use of OCT for Diagnosis of Unknown Causes of Visual Loss: Is It the Retina, Anterior Visual Pathway, or Misinterpretation of Normal? (Instruction Course 239)
Current Topics in Cornea/External Disease: Highlights of the Basic and Clinical Science Course 8 (Instruction Course 681)
Decoding the Uveitis Workup: Why, When, and What to Order (Instruction Course 492)
Examining the Optic Nerve and Evaluating the Visual Field: The 5 Rs (Instruction Course 417)
Herpes Simplex Keratitis: When Herpes Isn’t a Dendrite, and Vice Versa (Instruction Course 206)
MIGS: Surgical Techniques and Clinical Pearls (Instruction Course 443)
OCT: Basics and Beyond (Instruction Course 204)
Principles of Pediatric Ocular Trauma Management (Instruction Course 685)
State of the Art of Intracameral Antibiotics, NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, and Drop-Free Cataract Surgery (Instruction Course 617)
Surgical Management of Pediatric Glaucoma (Instruction Course 262)
The Art and Science of Glaucoma Drainage Devices: How to Optimize Your Surgical Results (Instruction Course 420)
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction: Case Studies From the Ethics Committee (Instruction Course 263)
Update on Diagnosis and Management of ROP: Pearls for ROP Screening, Introduction of Telemedicine, and Use of Anti-VEGF Medications (Instruction Course 514)
Update on Treatments for Diabetic Retinopathy: Clinically Relevant Results From the DRCRnet (Instruction Course 202)
What You Need to Know About Headache: A Pain for the Patient and a Pain for the Doctor (Instruction Course 619)
Core Ophthalmic Knowledge, Neuro-Ophthalmology Review (SYM02)
Diagnose This Live (SYM06)
The Nuances of the Lower Eyelid and How to Treat Malposition (SYM24)
Get Up to Date on Amblyopia (SYM50)
To find more details about these offerings, such as course descriptions and associated credits, visit the AAO’s Mobile Meeting Guide.
Please note: credit designated as SACME is also AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and is pre-approved by the ABO for MOC requirements. Though the ABO approves activities which meet its definition of SACME, it is not an accrediting body for purposes of any CME program, and does not sponsor or endorse particular activities. The AAO is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.