In the Spring 2019 edition of the CLEAR Exam Review, American Board of Ophthalmology Psychometrician Sarah D. Schnabel, PhD, discusses why assessment in medical continuing certification must be three things: relevant, dynamic, and frequent.
In the article, Dr. Schnabel makes the case for ongoing summative assessment in board certification -- the same idea behind the ABO's Quarterly Questions program framework:
"When a certifying board has reason to believe that certificate holders’ knowledge and skills required for safe and effective practice could decline over time, it is the board’s duty to periodically verify whether the certificate holder still possesses the requisite competencies representative of board certification. While educational tools and formative assessments likely help certificate holders stay up to date, a summative assessment represents a direct measure of whether an individual has maintained the standards of the initial certification."
Click here to read the full article for more about the evolution of testing methods and the rationale for the ongoing measurement of essential practice knowledge.
CLEAR Exam Review is a journal, published twice a year, reviewing issues affecting testing and credentialing. CER is published by the Council on Licensure, Enforcement, and Regulation.