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ABMS Seeks Diplomates to Join Stakeholder Council

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) is seeking nominations for active diplomates to join the ABMS Stakeholder Council. Active diplomates must be board certified by an ABMS Member Board, participating in continuing certification/MOC, and not serving in a leadership position in any Member Board, Associate Member, or specialty society or association.

The Stakeholder Council is an advisory body to the ABMS Board of Directors representing volunteer physicians and patient/public interests. The role of the Stakeholder Council is to ensure that the ABMS Board of Directors makes decisions that are grounded in an understanding of the perspectives, concerns, and interests of multiple constituents and stakeholders who may be impacted by the work of ABMS. The Council is responsible for reviewing strategic initiatives, policies, certification program reviews, and pilot-program reports, and providing written recommendations to the ABMS Board of Directors. The Council may also proactively raise issues to be addressed by the ABMS Board of Directors. The Stakeholder Council is composed of five (5) Associate Members, six (6) Public Members, two (2) At-Large Member Board Executives or Directors/Trustees of Member Boards, one (1) member of the credentialing community, and up to ten (10) active diplomates who are Board Certified by an ABMS Member Board, participating in continuing certification/MOC, and not serving in a leadership position in any Member Board, Associate Member, or specialty society or association. The ABMS Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and President and CEO serve as ex officio, voting members as well. Members are expected to serve a three-year term and may be re-elected to serve one additional three-year term. The Stakeholder Council meets twice per year in Chicago and has several conference calls during the year. Members will collectively meet the following criteria:

  • Ability to foster an atmosphere of collaboration and inclusivity;

  • Ability to think strategically;

  • Demonstrated diplomacy in bringing opposing views to agreement;

  • Practicing physicians who participate in continuing certification in a variety of practice environments (i.e., private practice and academic health centers)

  • Individuals from diverse backgrounds and/or experiences (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, race, disabilities, practice environment, specialty experience, geography, etc.);

  • Experience with and knowledge of patient advocacy and consumer issues;

  • Experience with and knowledge of credentialing;

  • Experience with and knowledge of hospitals and health systems;

  • Experience with and knowledge of health care and public policy;

  • Experience with and knowledge of assessment methodologies and programs;

  • Experience with and knowledge of initial certification and continuing certification;

  • Experience with and knowledge of medical education across the continuum;

  • Experience with and knowledge of quality/practice improvement in medicine;

  • Support of ABMS’ mission and strategic priorities.

NOMINATION PROCESS Nomination materials will be collated for review by the ABMS Governance Committee in November, which will present recommendations to the ABMS Board of Directors for approval in June 2020. The selected nominee will begin service at the conclusion of the June ABMS Board of Directors meeting.

Nominations may be submitted by an organization, person, or through self-nomination. CLICK HERE to access the nominator form. All nominees are required to complete an online application which includes a brief statement of interest and the submission of an abbreviated CV (e.g., CV without presentations or publications; two-page limit). CLICK HERE to access the application.

Nomination materials are due Friday, October 18, 2019.

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